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High school graduation
College Graduation
Will you attend college in state?
Attend college out of state?
Trade School
Student athlete
Family dynamics
Did anyone in your family attend the college you want to attend?
Does your family have property at University you would like to attend?
Does any family member work in the town/city you will attend college?
Do you hold a part-time job?
Do you hold a full-time job?
Do you like Video games?
Leaning more about car industry?
Interested in coaching?
Interneted in becoming a teacher?
Would you like to build technology?
Would you like to be an entrepreneur?
Is there a franchise you would like to own one day?
Would you like to get into financial planning?
Initial $150 for 1 month and $40 dollar reoccurring payment monthly.
Initial Payment: $150.00

TAAPN Collective Agreement

University and/or Organization 2% agreement.



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